Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keanu Reeves: Transcendent Melancholy or The Unbearable Lightness of Whoa

Keanu Reeves: Actor, artist, cultural diplomat, author, mensa member*.

A cultural iconoclast, Reeves is an individual of immense talent, and an electrifying passion for a modern age of art.
Keanu Reeves has becomes a perennial favorite of the internet.  The manifold permutations of Reeves' internet fame stem from the very basis of his artistic faculty.  Here we see a young Reeves exemplifying his profundity whilst juxtaposed against what might be considered "stoner philosophy."
Touching on Reeves' cultural capital as well as his temporal fortitude, the Sad Keanu meme has infiltrated every level of art.  From the Olympian sublimity of classics such as Forest Gump...
to the wildly self referential...
Reeves' penchant for melancholic contemplation - particularly highlighted in this piece entitled "Epic Keanu Bench" recalls Søren Kierkegaard from his seminal "Diapsalmata." Writes Kierkegaard:

 Besides my other numerous circle of acquaintances I have one more intimate confidant-my melancholy. In the midst of my joy, in the midst of my work, she waves to me, calls me to one side, even though physically I stay put. My melancholy is the most faithful mistress I have known, what wonder, then, that I love her in return. 

Sad Keanu embraces the modern condition of loneliness and ennui despite the constant presence of an assumed audience.  Both in our very viewing of the image and his obvious position on public benches, Keanu Reeves reaches outward toward the inward while providing a generation one singular melancholic message:  Whoa. 

*Unverified, probably false.

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